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Explore our free Bootstrap components and templates

1. Setup your project

Install Webpixels CSS in your stack. It includes the latest Bootstrap version, so no need to worry about updates.

2. Copy the snippet

Explore hundreds of Bootstrap components and templates anc click the clipboard to copy the snippet.

3. Make it awesome

Change colors and fonts with Sass CSS, or customize the snippet using utilities directly in your HTML.

Six-step business process overview.
Cryptocurrency transaction table.
Modal window with text and actions.
Two-column navigation menu with icons and descriptions.
Project management dashboard with analytics and user tracking.
Product creation form with image upload.
Notification toast message.
Order confirmation notification with invoice download option.
User invitation interface with add/remove options.
Security settings modal with setup options.
Minimalist login form with email and password fields.
Pagination control bar.
Rounded progress bar.
Dropdown menu with navigation options.
Login form with email and password fields.
Order statistics card.
Collapsible sidebar with navigation menu.
Feature overview section with cards and learn more button.
Profile card UI component.
Dashboard interface with navigation sidebar.
Footer navigation with company links and call-to-action.